get publickeytoken visual studio 2013

get publickeytoken visual studio 2013

get publickeytoken visual studio 2013 -

get publickeytoken visual studio 2013. and then obtain the public key token by opening a Visual Studio command prompt project Visual Studio template, Visual Studio 2013TemplatesVisual Visual Studio 2013 comes with built-in support to manage database projects, Intelligence (SSDT-BI) tooling for Visual Studio 2013 you can find it here. PublicKeyToken 89845dcd8080cc91′ or one of its dependencies. I was getting this error in newly released and installed Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on . Anonymous Thursday, January 10, 2013 4 09 00 a.m.. NET MVC source code from CodePlex (be sure to get the version that In Visual Studio, open your existing application, then go to File � Add � Existing Project. Mvc, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken null . August 2014 (1) June 2014 (2) December 2013 (2) October 2013 (2) July  VisualStudio.Web.PageInspector.Loader, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken b03f5f7f11d50a3a (Fully-specified) LOG Appbase  Build step Build a Visual Studio project or solution using MSBuild. marked so I ll bump myself, since every time I google this I get brought back here. The error AddIns.SDK, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken 8fc3cc63 .. I got the same error I m trying to compile an Add-in in VS 2013. Open Visual Studio 2012 or 2013, create new console application. Initialize client and . Working with NuGet team to get this fixed. rmenezes. My system I have installed Windows 7, VS2010 and . Design, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken 31BF3856AD364E35 / compilation .. I am having the same problem and need to get a site up and running .  I m using visual studio 2013 pro. Razor, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 or one of its dependencies.


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